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Week 4

"The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intended-and not to take a hint when a hint isn't intended" - Robert Frost

On this week we decided to look at the means and effects smartphones has on what is called "Family time" the time we put work , school , friends a side and simply dedicate time to our loved ones. We all like the corny picture of a family gathering around the table once a week for a nice dinner in this time the family get to talk with each other and just enjoy the unique atmosphere and comfort of a family dinner. Question is, in the age of smartphones does it really exist? is there really a certain time we let go of everything and simply focus on being together when our entire world is at the palm of our hand and is running out of battery? Do we even want to “let go” of our phones? .

We figured that the only way to really find out is simply to ask family members about their family dinner starting with kids .

most kids can’t keep their eyes off their phones during dinner ,social networks and group chatting are to0 active to be ignored even when they are not allowed to bring phones to the table their mind is elsewhere .be that as it may most kids have said dinner is "kind of fun" and is still important to them. We like to think that “Family time” is still a virtue and something that families need yet it seems like the actual purpose of "dinner" is "falling through " .perhaps it must adjust and use technologies that could help the family dynamics and help keeping the distractions, notifications and “candy crash” invitations away from its plate .

We started to think on new directions such as “currency games” and creating something in a virtual space as a family. Ideas such as music , deemed lights and other thing that create a certain mood came up what lead us to an “atmosphere & communication tuner” a machine that helps setting the vibe and communicating..

presentation for our idea so far.

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