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First meeting!

Our first meeting took place at the IDC Milab. The heart of the matter was the way we communicate in the different frameworks between four walls. What could help us communicate better? It is safe to say that interpersonal communication changed its form ever since “smart phones” became part of our lives and with each day that goes by it seems that “putting the phone a side is getting much harder” Whether if it’s at school, at work or even at a night out with friends. We just can’t disconnect ourselves from our phones. Much was discussed and said on this subject and smarter & richer people then us have suggested this is a “huge problem” for our generation. After long Observations and abstract thinking during at the problem at hand We thought that we should look at smart phones not as a problem but as a tool “to expand our humaneness” in other words as something that will contribute to our basic need to communicate with each other. You are welcome to press at the links below and read about the ideas we came up with

at our first meeting.

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